2 assays found tagged with Hycult Biotech

Hycult Biotech LAL Chromogenic Endpoint

In vitro quantitative determination of bacterial endotoxin in various biological fluids (including sera), devices, (air) filters and tissue culture medium. This data analysis calculates the mean absorbance for each set of standards, control and samples. Validations are performed to check that the mean absorbance of the zero standard is less than 0.1 OD 405 nm and that the mean absorbance of the 10 EU/ml standard is higher than 0.6 OD 405 nm. The mean absorbance of each standard concentration is plotted (Y axis) against the corresponding concentration (X axis) on a semi-log graph. A standard curve is created using a Four Parameter Logistic Fit. Concentrations are calculated from the curve with any specified dilution factors applied. Samples outside the range of the standards or the fit (greater than the upper asymptote or below the lower asymptote) are highlighted in yellow. The %CV, Standard Deviation and Standard Error are calculated for each replicated sample.

Hycult Biotech Human LL-37

Quantitative analysis of samples using a Five Parameter Logistic (5PL) curve fit to compute concentration values for the Hycult Biotech Human LL-37 kit. This analysis first calculates the mean absorbance for each group of sample replicates. The standard (concentration vs. measurement) are plotted on semi-log axes and a 5PL curve is fitted through the points. The concentrations of the samples are determined from the fit with any specified dilution factors applied. Samples with an absorbance greater than the highest standard are highlighted in yellow. Hycult Biotech recommends these samples are diluted and re-assayed. The analysis also verifies that the mean absorbance of the zero standard is less than 0.3. Also, it checks that the %CV of all samples is <15.