
Download and Install MyCurveFit Excel Add-In

The MyCurveFit Excel Add-In is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Excel for Windows, including: Excel 365, Excel 2021/2019/2016.

Follow these instructions to install MyCurveFit Excel Add-In:

1. Download the setup package for your system:

MyCurveFit Excel Add-In for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.x, Windows 7 (5 MB)

If you encounter any security issues or warnings when downloading this software, please click here for recommendations and resolutions.

2. Launch the downloaded installation program and follow the installation wizard instructions.

3. Launch Excel and select the MyCurveFit tab on the ribbon.

4. Select the Activate New License option and follow the wizard to provide your serial code.

If you do not already have a serial code, click on Claim Key (see right) for a free-trial serial code.

Version Information

Latest Version: R2 v1.0.1102.823 (January 21st 2023).

User’s Guide

The MyCurveFit Excel Add-In User’s Guide is available from here: MyCurveFit Excel Add-In User’s Guide PDF (< 1 MB)

More Information

Product video guides are available on the MyCurveFit Excel Add-In Training Course.

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